May 6, 2008

Let Her Be

I understand Miley Cyrus being essentially naked in a photograph in Vanity Fair. She has to launch her career into the adult world, growing up her current fans in the process before they move on. Of course. Strategically, I get it.

Our girls want a role model who is smart, talented, cute and worldly.
Parents want to believe that our daughters ought to have a role model who is smart, talented, cute and worldly without being sexual.

I don't have a problem with Miley Cyrus as a sexual being. We all are sexual beings. I have become so used to young women using their sexuality to their advantage that it really doesn't faze me. It would surprise me if she didn't. Heck, I did the same thing myself. Using sexuality for attention is a cheap thrill, a temporary ego boost. It's a way in which can work in the short run, but the young woman needs to back it up with substance.

So what if she is a role model. She's got role models, most recently Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilara. There is a well worn path for transforming from the girl next door to "I'm all grown up," hot girl next door. It's a bore.

What I want to know is why no one is asking why this role model is so thin that her ribs are protruding from her back. This is how we treat our role models: a young girl can waste away before our eyes as long as she preserves the illusion of purity.

Instead of concerning ourselves with her image as a role model, maybe we should concern ourselves with the girl and her well being. We have lost of lovely and perfect role models in pursuit of image management such as Judy Garland, or Karen Carpenter.

Let us all take the focus off of the Miley we think we need her to be, and let her be a lovely young girl who needs protection, love and understanding as she discerns who she really is. The rest of us don't get a vote. If we can give her this kind of support, we would be the true role models. I am happy to wait for you Miley.

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